


Since the company’s foundation in 1989, Smape’s entire operating history has been distinguished by the ability to carry out unique and challenging projects.

The subsequent and progressive growth of the company in the domestic Coiled Tubing (CT) market was due to increase both in terms of job volume and technical advancement.
Smape contributed to the innovation of many services now provided in the Coiled Tubing market by developing own Down-Hole Tools department and by leading the way to achieve technical solutions for several industry “firsts”.


We are the company who will work on your well

Smape will meet your needs in terms of job design, schedule, planning, execution and reporting, with open approach and full compliance with the requirements.
Our operations planners and engineers are supported by proprietary software managing available resources and supporting in selecting and scheduling each job.
Site operation are supported by sharing actual data of the operation with remote control room at our premises where Smape staff of experts are available to review ongoing activities and prevent failures or speed-up decisions in case of changes of plans.
Our strategic equipment is equipped with onboard PLC, GPS and 3G, 4G, 5G, satellite connectivity to transmit telemetry of main functions and parameters.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact with our team, or you can call us any time +39 085 44 71 431


Skills and Competencies

We are the company who will work on your well

Adaptive approach, focus on target, safety, quality, continuous challenging and improvement will drive the results.



Planet is the only one we can count on, and we want to exert all possible efforts to keep it healthy. Our business continuity concept is stricltly linked to the limitation of the impact on habitat in the long term. Smape monitors such impact in terms of emissions, energy consumption, water consumption, waste production and studies how to reduce them and how.


Smape origins from Community, and we want to give back value to any community we work in. Prosperity, health, growth, education, beauty. People really count in Smape and are our own pillar; our employees, our clients, suppliers, the communities which we meet everyday are crucial for our organization. We want to be a safe and motivating environment, where meritocracy, respect, wellness are constantly applied.


We manage our company to create high value for the stakeholders in the medium-long term according to our ethical principles. We aim to be transparent and respect the laws of each country we deal with.


Innovation and Development Projects

Since the company’s foundation in 1989, Smape’s entire operating history has been distinguished by the ability to carry out unique and challenging projects.