Our History is made every day. Our background is the constant challenge

What we did in the past just gives us the awareness of our identity, and we know that we can propose to our client solutions rather than execution.




Since the company’s foundation in 1989, Smape’s entire operating history has been distinguished by the ability to carry out unique and challenging projects. The subsequent and progressive growth of the company in the domestic Coiled Tubing (CT) market was due to increase both in terms of job volume and technical advancement.

Smape contributed to the innovation of many services now provided in the Coiled Tubing market by developing own Down-Hole Tools department and by leading the way to achieve technical solutions for several industry “firsts”.

Very soon, at early 2000 years, SMAPE became the market leader in Italy and started to expand service-lines and boost geographic diversification.
Since then Stimulation, Pumping Services, Pipeline Services, Chemical Injection were included in the services portfolio and activities were then performed all across Europe and in Croatia, Georgia, Russia, Congo, and Equatorial Guinea; we established entities in Egypt, Albania, Romania, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

Moreover we developed during these years our attitude which is now our identity, and which consists in the opening to accept challenges on any task varying from technical to logistic, timing, or any particular requirement by the Client, with the capability to solve and find effective solutions.

The above attitude not only involving the operational or technical activities but extended to management approach and Company’s itself proactive and dynamic approach to the business.

Our vision

Smape is an independent, private company focu-sed on specialized and high-value technical servi-ces for energy suppliers, and plans to become a main player in its sector. Smape works to generate value for the stakehol-ders and for the community, the people and the planet.

Our mission

We will apply our original attitude, our expertise and our skills to improve continuously our servi-ces and to contibute to a significant growth of our sector to make energy available to the planet in the most effective, clean, honest, respectful way.

Our values, our ethics

Everyone in Smape is committed to work in total respect of the Etichal Code , Policies and Guide Lines which trace the path to be followed by Smape organization. Please giva a look to our Ethical Code attached…

Our role in the world

Smape aspire to have a role in the world. We work to create growth and value for the stakehol-ders , fully undertaking our social responsability, monitoring and aiming all of the targets of the Agenda 2030 by United Nations.


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